Å møte veggen i Silicon Valley

Å møte veggen i Silicon Valley

Tilbake til del 1: Den rette kunden   Vi (jeg og Torbjørn) kom altså til Palo Alto, Nordic Innovation House og TINC med et salgsverktøy. Et intelligent salgsverktøy som hjelper selgere, salgsledere og deres oppdragsgivere med å finne de riktige kundene å kontakte...
A new hope

A new hope

Tilbake til del 2: Å møte veggen i Silicon Valley Er det hva vi gjør som definerer oss? Er det det å kode, skrive blogginnlegg, ringe kunder, løse supportsaker eller holde orden på regnskapet som gjør at vi kommer oss opp av senga på morgenen? Er det muligheten for å...
First we take… eh… a place in the US…. then we take Berlin!!

First we take… eh… a place in the US…. then we take Berlin!!

  I’ve been out in the big world again, allowed to share my passion about Domain-Driven Design and Behaviour Driven Development in Software, by giving the same presentation with Anita Kvamme, as we did at ExploreDDD in Denver a month ago (You can read about it in...
Starstruck @ ExploreDDD in Denver

Starstruck @ ExploreDDD in Denver

A couple of weeks ago, me and my former colleague Anita Kvamme, gave a presentation at the ExploreDDD conference in Denver. I must admit there was quite a few butterflies upfront, rising from questions in my head like “will there be anyone interested in listening to...
The message, part 1

The message, part 1

One of the things that the TINC project challenges us to do is to sharpen our message. Who are we? What do we do? How do we do it? What does that mean and to whom? It’s complicated. Or, maybe it’s actually easy. It’s just that there’s so much to say, and people are...