Historien bak Headshed

Rune og jeg ble nylig intervjuet av Engasjert Byrå sin nye podkast under temaet strategisk mot. Vi ble bedt om å dele vår historie om hvordan det hele startet og hvorfor vi holder på med det vi gjør; hva som gir oss strategisk mot. Hele historien kan du høre her:...
Salg først – så CRM

Salg først – så CRM

For English version click here. De fleste CRMer blir laget for å håndtere hele kundens livssyklus. Dette inkluderer markedsføring mot nye og eksisterende kunder, håndtering av salg og oppfølging av leads, bestilling, forsendelse, fakturering og kundeservice. Det...
Salg først – så CRM

Why your CRM might be killing your sales

For Norsk versjon klikk her. Most CRMs are made to handle the whole customer relationship. This includes marketing towards new and existing customers, handling sales and leads follow-up, order production, shipping, billing, and customer support. It’s no surprise that...
7000 clicks ’till the weekend

7000 clicks ’till the weekend

One of our clients and I have been discussing how we can help increase productivity further. With Cube, sales agents and managers are now less dependent on combined spreadsheets and have all the relevant information for reporting in one place. The necessary...
Why we obsess about your customer and sales data

Why we obsess about your customer and sales data

Big data. Heard it before? Sure you have. Everyone wants in on it, it’s the future, it’s coming, it’s here, it’s the new loud. If you want to effectively automate and fine-tune your marketing, there’s no way around it. But how? I’ve seen my share of customer data sets...