Kundemøte med Gjensidige

Publisert 03/01/2018 av Magnus

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Vi er så heldige å ha et samarbeid med en av Norges største banker  – Gjensidige Bank, der de har brukt vårt salgsverktøy Cube i deler av organisasjonen. Som totalbank leverer Gjensidige Bank et bredt spekter av tjenester til sine kunder, og Cube har hjulpet de med effektivisere salgsprosessen og oppnå bedre kontakt med sine kunder.

Selv om de er et stort bank-konsern trenger de også tekniske løsninger som hjelper de med å forbli konkurransedyktig i markedet, og vi har samarbeidet tett med de for å levere løsninger for noen av de effektivisering- og rapporteringsbehov som de har.

Nylig gjennomførte vi et intervju med en av beslutningstakerne i Gjensidige Bank om hva de får ut av salgsverktøyet Cube. Vi lagde en video som du kan se her:



So, Phillip, you are a decision maker and you are working in Gjensidige Bank. You are customers of Headshed Cube. So, as a decision maker, what kind of help do you need in order to make informed decisions?


A good question. In our area of business, in order to make an informed decision you have to have a cost/benefit analysis. And what that means in our world, is that we have to understand – if we are requiring a service – the cost of that service, and how that will benefit our business. And for Headshed, that has been an easy example.

Because Headshed has actually moved us from a more manual process, to an online process. It has moved us in a direction where we though we probably would not be for the next couple of years with certain business relationships. A lot of the work that we do behind the scenes – and this is probably true with many financial institutions – on the front side, it is an engine – turning, but on the inside, there are many pieces of that machine that are really working hard. So, Headshed has afforded us an opportunity to automate that, and also to have online reporting – which we have never had – at a click, and also the full circle – clicking to download the information, so we may book the customer properly, and we have even been working on automation on that.

So, it has evolved over the 6 months we have been working with Headshed.


In your job, does our product help you in any way, make your job easier? How does it help you?


One of the essential benefits of functionality in Cube has been, it is an online reporting system, but it is also real-time. So, you can have online – all day long, but when it is real-time and I know exactly what the team in Trondheim is doing and how they are doing, sometimes it is easy to send out a word of congratulations, or say – hey, is everything all right – if it is a challenging day – keep going strong.

So, the real-time reporting functionality has been quite interesting for me – and for the business, and then also, from a reporting standpoint – I report on these numbers daily – and sometimes hourly, but from a monthly perspective, when we have to roll-up everything into one presentation, this provides a very solid snapshot of how the performance is going.


Thank you so much for your time. We appreciate your feedback and your inputs, and I will talk to you soon.

